April Newsletter

April Newsletter

Happy Spring!!

Alysa and I are back from vacation and are ready to get back to the dogs! We appreciate everybody’s patience with us being closed for the last week of March.

We are finally ready to hire a new groomer into our store! If you know anybody who is looking for employment in the grooming industry, please send them our way!

We are currently booking appointments for grooming into July and August for Alysa but as soon as we find another groomer, our schedule will open up significantly!

If you have been into the store recently, you may have noticed that our Diamond Naturals and Taste of the Wild foods were light on stocking. Diamond Pet Foods has been having some issues meeting the demand for their products. They have not had any recalls or quality issues with their products but their manufacturing has not been able to keep up with how many people are wanting their foods. The have a new plant under construction which will help with that but it will not be operable until late this year.

This means that there may be times coming up soon where we may be out of stock on your regular foods. We are ordering Diamond’s products from multiple wholesalers to try to keep them in stock. We are currently looking at Wholesomes pet foods as a possible alternative if we are unable to regularly get Diamond’s products.

Wholesomes is a very similar product line to Diamond Naturals and it also occupies the same general price range and bag sizes. It is manufactured by Midwestern Pet Foods located in Indiana.

Check out their formulas to see how they line up with Diamond’s products at https://www.wholesomespetfood.com/products/dog-food/

We hope to see everybody soon!

Jonathan, Alysa, Phinny, and Zephyr

To read the article in original format, click here.

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