September Newsletter

September Newsletter

Happy September!

We hope everybody has had a great Summer thus far, as short as it may have been. It seems like we blinked and August is over. We still have some heat left to come this year so make sure to stay up on your dogs’ flea and tick medicines.

Shedding season is also right around the corner so make sure to pick up some deshedding shampoo and/or brushes to help the dogs get rid of all that hair. If you have a hard time brushing or bathing your dog, give us a call and schedule an appointment for grooming. We can take care of all that hair for you.

Our new groomer Rae is doing great and her schedule is staying busy. We have appointments roughly 2 weeks out so if your dog does need a spa day, give us a call asap to get schedule.

When you do stop at the store, please do not be alarmed at Zephyr wearing his cone of shame. He is having seasonal allergy issues as many dogs are at this time. His cone helps him to not lick himself to the point of infection. If your dog is licking or itching/scratching excessively, talk to your vet about different ways to help them. We caught Zephyr early enough this year that he did not end up with all kinds of infections like he did last year. Things can get ugly quickly with their skin, ears, and other parts of their bodies. Try not to wait until infections set in to address things like we did last time when it took us 8-10 weeks to get everything back to normal.

We would also like to take a moment to thank all of you. Our store exists because you all have given us the opportunity to be a part of your families and community. On the 22nd of this month our store will turn 10 YEARS OLD!! It is totally surreal for me to think that we have been open for a full decade.


- Jonathan, Alysa, Rae, Zephyr, and Phinny

To read the article in original format, click here.

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