March Newsletter

March Newsletter

Happy Spring!

This month hopefully the weather will start to get a little warmer! I know that Zephyr simply cannot wait to go outside to play. We have been waiting in hopes of not getting everything in our world muddy. Lets continue to hope for more warm weather!

This past month we had the opportunity to be on New Day Cleveland. On Wednesday 2/19 Barkly and Meows was LIVE on Fox’s New Day Cleveland! I think we did pretty well and if you would like to watch the clip, here is a link to view it: Our grooming department continues to be busy but we do have available appointments within a couple weeks. If you are wanting to have a clean dog for Spring Break this year, give us a call and we can schedule a spa day for your dog!

This month from 3/17 to 3/23 we will be giving away Chew Bones! Any purchase during that week will come with a FREE Chew Bone! Make sure to stop into the store during the week of 3/17 to 3/23 in order to receive your free Bone!! 

In our house, we have been gearing up for spring cleaning! I bring this up because our dogs and cats can be sensitive to the cleaning products that we use. We use the same cleaners at home as we do in the store so we know that our pets do not have any issues with those products. We always ask people to pay attention for a day or two after cleaning floors or other surfaces that our pets contact. If an issue does pop up during that time, it may be worth trying out a different brand of cleaner to see if there may be an improvement. 

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

-Jonathan, Alysa, Rae, Zephyr, and Phinny

To read the article in original format, click here.

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